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A Twenty-Eight Amendment

Today the Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey It was a God Gifted victory. We have much to celebrate. While we do want to take time to celebrate, we cannot lose steam. The other side is already planning their strategy. We must ensure that abortion is completely banned in every State. Below is a letter to the Supreme Court. The attached PDF is a duplicate of the letter you may mail to the Supreme Court. We have also started a petition pressing for the Supreme Court to instate a 28th Amendment

The Supreme Court of the United States

One First Street N.E.

Washington, D.C.20543

Dear Justices:

Our Founding Fathers preserved in our Declaration of Independence the protection of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as unalienable rights. These rights have been bestowed to all men by their Creator. The founding fathers formed the government of the United States to protect these liberties for all humankind. Unborn children are the most defenseless members of our human family. They look to the United States of America, the defender of the free world, to safeguard these liberties. Pro-Life Approved submits to this most honorable court that, in addition to God, both the man and woman act as procreators of the newly conceived human. All procreators have endowed the unborn child with protected unalienable rights.

Sex is the human species' chief way of creating another human. The first stage of life is fertilization, the moment the sperm enters the egg forming an embryo. The embryo is a newly composed human being that has been gifted DNA by both the mother and the father. When precautions individuals take to prevent pregnancy, all parties are aware of the possibility of creating a life and thus consent to the endowment of protected rights. One cannot argue that they did not endow rights because they did not intend to make a human being. When a man and a woman partake in activities that can result in creating another human being, those creating parties renounce their rights should life be conceived. Sex does not merely exist for physical satisfaction; the purpose of sex supersedes its momentary pleasures. Men and women have argued that their happiness is dependent on being without a child. However, their pursuit of happiness cannot be at the expense of another human's life. A child-free abortion is an extreme form of murder when attempting to live since adoption can render the procreating pair childless. According to our founders, the parents have not merely gifted the child DNA but also certain unalienable rights.

The human is a new creation whose residence is temporality inside the mother. The fetus is not the woman's body; therefore, she has 'no choice. The female body acts as a life support incubator for the unborn child. When engaging in intercourse, the female participant risks the loss of bodily rights. By terminating the child's life, the physician, mother and father, when consenting, deprive the child of its right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The rights of newly produced human(s) in all phases of life are to be ensured by all courts. States ought not to be allowed to consent to the destruction of these rights. America's highest court is obliged to amend the constitution to ensure the equality of protection for all, regardless of their phase of life.


Monique Kelley

Founder of Pro-Life Approved

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Unknown member
Jun 25, 2022

The Supreme Court cannot 'instate' or in any other fashion create an amendment to the Constitution of the United States. To propose an amendment requires two-thirds of both houses of Congress or the same percentage of State delegations and then must be ratified by three-fourths of the tate legislatures. While such an amendment might be a worthy goal it is impossible with the current makeup of the legislative branch.

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